Ready for a Mindset & Energy Upgrade? Hypnosis May Be the Answer
Are you feeling stuck?
Perhaps you're not as happy or fulfilled as you'd like to be in your life or career?
Do you suffer from Anxiety or Depression?
Are your relationships in turmoil or unfulfilling?
You know what you want, but you just can't quite get there?
Hi There, I'm Suzie Bowers and I've worked with 1,000s of people since 1995 to help them get clear on what they really want, overcome limiting beliefs and old programs, regain confidence, get healthy and improve relationships.
In my proprietary Soul Discovery CoachingTM Hypnotherapy Program, you will access beautiful states of consciousness, connect with your Soul or Higher-Self, Attract New High-Quality Experiences and release the past.
Welcome to California Hypnosis Center in Stockton California
With Suzie's Hypnotherapy and Soul Discovery CoachingTM Program you will discover your true purpose, overcome procrastination, boost your confidence and create the life you've always desired.
Suzie uses a combination approach, powerful tools including Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy combined with Spiritual Guidance and Coaching which may help you achieve anything you can imagine for yourself.
Hypnosis can be used to Stop Smoking, Lose Weight, Achieve Business Success, Improve Your Relationships and Much More.
We offer hypnosis for depression, anxiety, making life decisions, smoking cessation...anything you can put your mind to, you can accomplish with with Soul Discovery Coaching & Hypnotherapy.
Don't wait another moment to Create the Life You Desire and Deserve!
About Us
Since 1995, Suzie Bowers has been assisting others to overcome limiting beliefs, to accomplish goals and create joy and success. She is a #1 International Best Selling author, a speaker, trainer, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and creator of the Soul-Discovery Coaching ProgramTM
#1 Best Selling Author and Coach.
Are You Ready to Create the Life You Desire and Deserve? Contact Suzie for a Private, Confidential Consultation
and find out what Hypnosis and Coaching can do for YOU!

Sarah Regains Confidence
by Sarah Berger, Sacramento, Ca ~
March 25th 2018
Hypnotherapy can be used to deal with a variety of issues from quitting smoking, weight management, confidence building, O.C.D, depression, pain control, and traumatic event therapy.
After going through a bad break up, I knew I wanted to work with Suzie. I had lost a lot of self confidence and just felt really lost. In meeting with her, she helped bring me to a relaxed state in which we were able to go through a few underlying issues using her training and various techniques. I felt emptied, completely cleared immediately afterwards.
Now if I was asked to describe how I feel, it would be as if I have been reborn or even resurrected. Everything is so beautiful and inspiring. Life is perfect, just the way it is NOW. Not in memories of the past or in the desires of our futures.
Lastly, I want to share there was some past life regression. Unsurprising I’ve been killed in many lifetimes for being a witch, healer, occult practitioner, or oracle. Suzie was able to help clear the experience-trauma of these lifetimes held within my energetic field.
I just feel... GREAT! I will definitely go back for more treatments in the future as needed. This has been an amazing and truly soul enriching experience.

Heidi Let's Go of Toxic Marriage
Hypnosis May Help You Find You Again......
I worked with Suzie to get over a very toxic relationship with my ex-husband... to find confidence in myself again, to make a new start with my 2 little boys at the time. Her work was so loving and gentle, and firm when I needed that. I learned how to enjoy my own company, stand my ground and eventually to succeed in my own life. Hypnotherapy and Coaching with Suzie is amazing. If you're struggling in some area of your life...call her. You'll feel better in no time!
Heidi Moorefield, Stockton, Ca ~ 2009
California Hypnosis Center
2087 Grand Canal Blvd. #5 Stockton, Ca 95207
by Appointment Only.
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